October 2023
Stoma Awareness Day 7/10/2023
What you can't see when you look at me!
Adjusting to stoma life can be hugely challenging.
Like many ostomates and people with hidden disabilities I have been challenged and judged for using accessible facilities. I've had dirty looks, and comments like, 'you should be ashamed of yourself because you're not disabled'
I've also found it difficult at times to find the right facilities when I have needed them, either because they have been closed, out of action, poorly maintained or unavailable. Completing ‘The Welsh Three Peaks’ Challenge earlier this year without facilities because they were closed is a prime example.
I am supporting stoma awareness and joining the campaign @colostomyuk to smash social exclusion and stigma surrounding stomas.
#colostomy #stoma #stomaawareness #stomalife #smashthestigma #hiddendisability #accessibilityforall #bagforlife #bodypositivity #ostomate #ostomyawareness #dontjudgeme #socialinclusion
Supporting women after childbirth injury
I established and co-ordinate this face-to-face MASIC support group to aid and support women affected by childbirth injury. Primarily, the group was set up to help women in and around Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire but I have had women from outside these areas join too. Having peer support can make a real difference when struggling with the physical and psychological aspects of these injuries.
Contact me @ masic.guildford@gmail.com for more information.
Professional development
This webinar discussed how can we make sport & physical activity more accessible for diverse communities and how small changes can have a positive impact towards inclusivity.