Stepping back on my mat

Post stoma surgery I used yoga breathing techniques to aid my recovery alongside specific abdominal exercises to strengthen my core. I returned to a physical yoga practice after 8 weeks.

Having rehabilitated from many surgeries previously, I already had an awareness and an understanding of how I was going to modify my yoga initially.

I had regularly practiced yoga for several years and I have a good level of upper body strength, this aided both my recovery and ability to progress.  At 12 weeks I was able to return to more challenging asanas like Chaturanga Dandasana.

I minimised creating abdominal pressure by avoiding postures that placed too much tension around my newly formed stoma. I supported my stoma with high waisted compression underwear, high waisted leggings and a support vest.


I avoided postures like

Navasana / boat pose that place the abdominal muscles under tension with both legs extended in the air.

Salabhasana / locust pose / Dhaurasana / Bow pose, lying on the front where the pressure is applied to the front of the abdomen and arms and legs are lifted.

Pavritta Trikonasana / revolved triangle - Excessive rotational twist with extension

Low Plank & Side planks  


I modified postures like

Utthita Trikonasana / Triangle pose by reducing the depth of posture and not extending the top hand in the air and keeping my top hand on my hip.

Paschimottanasana & Upavista Konasana seated forward bend and wide legged forward bend by reducing the depth and using my hands for support.

Utthita Parsvakonsana – Extended side angle pose – focused on the legs and avoided taking the arm overhead.

Over time I have been able to do those postures I initially avoided. However, I am still cautious with Navasana and seated positions where both legs are extended in the air. I keep my legs bent as opposed to straight I will always modify any pose if I feel sensations of discomfort or pressure around my stoma. 


Keeping it in – minimising the risk of Parastomal Hernia


What is a stoma?