Conquering Gardening Challenges: Swapping Equipment for Stoma Comfort

Being fit and active is great but sometimes even the most active of us face unexpected hurdles. This month, I found myself needing to make a change in my beloved gardening routine.

Gardening has always been a passion of mine, from mowing the lawn to trimming hedges. However, our aging petrol mower had become increasingly finicky to start. Pulling that stubborn cord was causing potential issues with my stoma, leading to endless frustration.

On top of that, our hefty, long-hedge trimmer was proving too unwieldy and heavy to use when I was on a ladder and risking placing unnecessary pressure around my stoma.

So, I dove into research, exploring cordless options for both a self-propelled mower and hedge trimmer. Initially, I was ready to click the “Buy” button online. But then, I discovered a local garden supplier where I could test the products in person.

This decision proved to be a game-changer. The weight of the rechargeable batteries varied once attached to the equipment and I realised I might have purchased the wrong items online, leaving me with the same heavy gear.

Now, armed with the right, stoma friendly equipment, I can enjoy my gardening once more. I’m back in control and my stoma is much happier for it.


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